Bye Bye old office! |
Detail, one of my favorite areas, in my old office. |
To say the last year has been a whirlwind would be an understatement. It's been an amazing, exciting, and very busy year and the last few months have continued to change in all kinds of ways. One big change,
with the coming of Baby, has been some reconfiguring of our house which included moving my office to the basement.
Basement in progress compared to the "before" Can't wait to show you the final in a few weeks! |
Basement layout and how we decided to breakup the space to work best for us. |
At first I was very upset about this decision. Over the last few years I've loved my office space and built it up to be perfect for me and my business. The navy walls (I think this literally might have been the hardest thing to part with) complimented by the white furniture and the storage solutions... everything that promoted creativity and helped business run smoothly... I just didn't want to say good-bye.
But my husband and I went back and fourth over whether to turn my office space into a nursery or convert the guest room. Ultimately though we knew keeping the guest room the same and converting my office was the right decision for us.
So back to my beloved navy walls, this color while so pretty in a well lit upstairs room just wouldn't work in the basement. Also, the basement was my most hated room in the house. The ugly carpet that's been there since we moved in, the ceiling that in parts didn't even look straight let alone nice, and the strange L shaped layout, it needed a lot of work. So the goodbye (to my upstairs office and the navy walls) happened and changing up the basement began. We basically (and by we I really mean my husband) got rid of everything and started from scratch. We had a new ceiling put in. We pulled up the carpeting and added a "hard wood" floor. And then we picked a soothing blue/grey color for the walls with a white wainscoting below to add some elegance to the room.
So flash forward and few months and it literally looks like a new space, and most importantly a space that I'm not upset to be working in on a daily basis. It still has a way to go before it's finished, and don't worry I will share the finished pics, but I love the progress so far and it is currently functioning as my office space.